代表性论文 1.郭嘉龙、魏涛*、魏劲松*、胡敬、程淼、刘倩倩、王瑞瑞、李宛飞、刘波*。基于相变薄膜高分辨激光直写光刻研究进展,中国激光,2024,51(12):1202410 2. Lei Chen, Jinhan Yao, Tao Wei*, Jing Hu, Miao Cheng, Qianqian Liu, Ruirui Wang, Yun Ling*, Wanfei Li, and Bo Liu*. Direct laser writing dry-lithography of high-resolution micro/nanostructures in AgSb4Te thin film for tunable perfect absorber, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 2024, 18(4): 2300430 3. Tao Wei*, Wancheng Shen, Ying Wang, Ruirui Wang, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Jing Hu, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. Mechanism of corrosion selectivity of NSb2Te thin films in the H3PO4/HNO3 developer for direct laser writing nanolithography, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6(13): 12200-12210 4. Xingwang Chen, Lei Chen, Lihao Sun, Tao Wei*, Yun Ling, Jing Hu, Miao Cheng, Qianqian Liu, Ruirui Wang, Wanfei Li, and Bo Liu. Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film as a promising heat-mode resist for high-resolution direct laser writing lithography, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 2023, 17(12): 2300262 5. Ben Wu, Tao Wei*, Jing Hu, Ruirui Wang, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. Thermal stability and high speed for optoelectronic hybrid phase-change memory based on Cr doped Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(23): 37837-37848 6. Ben Wu, Tao Wei*, Qianchen Liu, Yan Cheng, Yonghui Zheng, Ruirui Wang, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Jing Hu, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. Ultrafast SET/RESET operation for optoelectronic hybrid phase-change memory device cells based on Ge2Sb2Te5 material using partial crystallization strategy, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123(19): 191110 7. Ben Wu, Tao Wei*, Jing Hu, Ruirui Wang, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. Multilevel optoelectronic hybrid memory based on N doped Ge2Sb2Te5 film with low resistance drift and ultrafast speed, Chinese Physics B, 2023, 32(10): 108505 8. Tao Wei*, Kaiqi Li, Jing Hu, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, Jingsong Wei, Jian Zhou, Zhimei Sun*, and Bo Liu*. High optical/color contrast of Sb2Te thin film and its structural origin, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 144: 106619 9. Xingwang Chen, Lei Chen, Ying Wang, Tao Wei*, Jing Hu, Miao Cheng, Qianqian Liu*, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. AgGeSbTe thin film as a negative heat-mode resist for dry lithography, Chinese Optics Letters, 2022, 20(3): 031601 10. Wancheng Shen, Lei Chen, Ying Wang, Tao Wei*, Jing Hu, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, and Bo Liu*. NSbTe heat-mode resist with both positive and negative lithographic characteristics, Materials Letters, 2022, 324: 132762 11. Tao Wei*, Wancheng Shen, Miao Cheng, Wanfei Li, Lei Chen, Ying Wang, Jing Hu, Qianqian Liu, Yun Ling, Jingsong Wei, Bo Liu*. Corrosion selectivity and structural evolution in N doped Sb2Te thin films for lithography application, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 920: 166067 12. Tao Wei*, Wancheng Shen, Xingwang Chen, Lei Chen, Jing Hu, Miao Cheng, Qianqian Liu, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, Jingsong Wei, and Bo Liu*. Investigation on etching selectivity and microstructure of Ag doped Sb2Te thin film for dry lithography, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 37(3): 035004 13. Tao Wei, Bo Liu*, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, Jing Hu, Jingsong Wei. Direct laser printing color images based on the microstructure modulation of phase change material, Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 138: 106895 14. Tao Wei, Bo Liu*, Wanfei Li, Yun Ling, Jing Hu, Qianqian Liu, Miao Cheng and Jingsong Wei. CrSb2Te thin film as a dry resist and its etching mechanism for lithography application, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 266: 124558 15. Tao Wei, Qing Wang, Sannian Song, Zhitang Song, Bo Liu*. Reversible phase change characteristics of Cr-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by femtosecond pulses, Thin Solid Film, 2020, 716: 138434 16. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei*, Bo Liu*. Multi-color modulation based on bump structures of phase-change material for color printing, Optical Materials, 2019, 98: 109445 17. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei*, Kui Zhang, Bo Liu, Zhen Bai, Yang Wang, Yun Cui, Yiqun Wu, and Long Zhang*. Laser heat-mode lithography characteristics and mechanism of ZnS-SiO2 thin films, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 212: 426-431 18. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei, Yang Wang, Long Zhang, Manipulation and simulations of thermal field profiles in laser heat-mode lithography, Journal of Applied Physics 2017, 122 (22): 223107 19. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei, Kui Zhang, Long Zhang, Image lithography in telluride suboxide thin film through controlling "virtual"bandgap. Photonics Research 2017, 5(1): 22-26 20. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei, Kui Zhang, Hongxia Zhao, Long Zhang, Grayscale image recording on Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films through laser-induced structural evolution. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 42712 21. Tao Wei, Kui Zhang, Jingsong Wei, Yang Wang, Long Zhang, Micro/nanolithography of transparent thin films through laser-induced release of phase-transition latent-heat. Optics Express 2017, 25(23): 28146-28156 22. Tao Wei, Jingsong Wei, Kui Zhang, Qijun Zhou, Zhen Bai, Xin Liang, Qisong Li, Chenliang Ding, Yang Wang, Long Zhang, Origin of arbitrary patterns by direct laser writing in telluride thin film. RSC Advances 2016, 6: 45748-45752 代表性授权专利 1. 魏涛、沈万成、刘波、陈星、陈兴旺、程淼、胡敬、刘倩倩、李宛飞、凌云。一种实现正负性转换的NSb2Te光刻胶制备及其光刻方法,专利号:ZL 202110418028.7,申请日期:2021-4-19,授权公告日:2022-7-26 2. 魏涛、刘波、魏劲松、凌云、李宛飞、刘倩倩、程淼、胡敬。一种相变-热分解型复合光刻胶的纳米光刻方法,专利号:ZL 202010305390.9,申请日期:2020-4-17,授权公告日:2022-8-26 3. 魏涛、刘波、李宛飞、凌云、胡敬、程淼、刘倩倩。基于激光直写金属掺杂Sb2Te薄膜的自干涉曝光方法,专利号:ZL 202010245207.0,申请日期:2020-3-31,授权公告日:2023-3-14 4. 魏涛、魏劲松、刘波。基于干式显影和金属掺杂Sb2Te光刻胶的光刻方法,专利号:ZL 201911325058.2,申请日期:2019-12-20,授权公告日:2023-5-12 5. 魏涛、魏劲松、刘波。基于相变材料的无油墨激光彩色打印方法,专利号:ZL 201910893689.8,申请日期:2019-9-20,授权公告日:2021-2-19 6. 魏劲松、魏涛。激光诱导的跨尺度光刻方法, 专利号:ZL 201710678161.X,申请日期:2017-8-10,授权公告日:2018-10-2 7. 魏劲松、魏涛。激光诱导瞬态热探针的纳米光刻方法,专利号:ZL 201610580128.9,申请日期:2016-7-22,授权公告日:2018-4-13 代表性教学成果 1. 2024年4月,2023年度江苏省优秀本科毕业论文一等奖(陈兴旺,指导老师:魏涛) 2. 魏涛、胡敬、刘波。“半导体材材料与工艺”教学设计与思考,2024年度苏州科技大学优秀本科教学资源,二等奖 3. 2023年6月,苏州科技大学优秀本科毕业论文(陈兴旺,指导老师:魏涛) 4. 2024年5月,“挑战杯”苏州科技大学大学生创业计划竞赛银奖(孙丽豪等,指导老师:魏涛、胡敬) 5. 2023年12月,苏州科技大学第十二届创新创意创业大赛三等奖(孙丽豪等,指导老师:魏涛、胡敬) 6. 2023年9月,第十八届苏州科技大学“挑战杯”大学生校外学术科技作品竞赛黑科技专项赛二等奖(孙丽豪等,指导老师:刘波、魏涛) 7. 2021年12月,第十七届苏州科技大学“挑战杯”大学生校外学术科技作品竞赛黑科技专项赛三等奖(陈兴旺等,指导老师:魏涛、李宛飞、胡敬) 8. 刘波、胡敬、魏涛。《半导体材料学》,苏州科技大学课程思政示范课建设项目(2021SZKC-49) |